Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kill -9: How to kill running process if everything fails in linux

I bet you came across a situation when you tried to kill a process in Linux but it will be never killed.

kill -9 does the trick

I don't recommend you to use kill -9 all the time.

So that your important applications may close themselves, it is very important you follow this procedure when killing them:

kill pid (sends a TERM, wait 5 seconds)
kill pid (yes, try again, wait 5 seconds)
kill -INT pid (wait for it)
kill -INT pid (damn, still not dead?)
kill -KILL pid (same thing as -9)
kill -KILL pid (something is wrong)

If the process is still running, then stop sending it signals. It's either stuck in I/O wait or it's Defunct. 'ps auxw | grep processname', if you see it's in state D, then kill its parent process (the 3rd column of 'ps -ef' is the parent pid). If it's in I/O wait, then you have a deeper system problem. Most home users will never have this problem.

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